07 June 2009

LO from a magic night - Circus Mortuim

This is photos from the show Circus Mortuim that the Es3
on Törnströmska Gymnasiet made as their "graduation show".
My niece Amanda is the bellydancer in the lower right corner
right abowe the green word circus (or cirkus on Swedich).

Carousel - The full Collection by Alana McCarthy and Birgit Kerr
Something pop templates and mini kit by feistuff
All lights on me
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06 June 2009

Photos from Poland

Here are some photos I took at my trip to Poland.
We had a great time, good food, nice prizes, relaxation,
pleasant company and fab weather.
You can't ask for more :-)

Sopot-Crooked House:

Sopot-St. George's church:

Sopot-Monte Cassino Street:

Gdansk-View from the top of the Maria Church Tower
405 steps and 78 meters high.
My legs was ready to give up but it was so worth it ;-)

Gdansk-Another view from the top of the Maria Church Tower.
In Polich called Bazylika Mariacka w Gdańsku:

Gdansk-Dlugi Targ:

Gdansk-Dlugi Targ:

Gdansk-Dlugi Targ:

Gdansk-Old Mill:

Gdansk-Nice Door:

Get the travel bug
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